Sample Space ($S$)

The sample space, denoted by $S$, refers to the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment.

Space of Events $F$

The space of events, denoted by $F$ or $P(S)$, represents the set containing all possible events that can occur in an experiment.

  1. Sample Space: $S$
  2. Space of Events: $F=2^S$
  3. Power Set: $P(S)$

Event $E$

Any subset of the sample space representing a particular outcome or combination of outcomes.

The Law of Total Probability:

$$ P(E) = P(E \cap H_1) + ..... +P(E \cap H_n) \; Law \;of \;total \;probability $$

$$ H_i \cap H_j = \phi \; Mutually \; Exclusive $$

$$ U_{i=1}^K H_i = \Omega \; Collective\; Exhaustive $$

Axioms of Probability



Conditional Probability


Random Variables